Starport Plaza is the fulfillment of a personal desire for a classic-style web portal and community for those of us who feel stuck in a time before social media. Social media can be cool, but as someone who spends a good chunk of time trying to make my life more “retro,” there really isn’t much out there that caters to this mindset.
Over the last few years, I’ve been inspired by the surge of nostalgia appearing in marketing materials. Certain terms that have entered our community’s lexicon—such as City Pop—have also caught on with people outside our little subsection of the internet.
While Reddit and TikTok have helped many discover this world, I believe there should be a more traditional way to explore these interests. Web portals were a major part of the early internet, so I decided to create one for us weird retro-lifestyle enthusiasts.
I also want to avoid being “so retro,” a term that’s come to mean something only superficially inspired by the past, without truly understanding the tenets behind why things were created the way they were. My hope is for people to engage with Starport Plaza, not just visit it once, think it’s cool, and then never return—which, unfortunately, happens all too often with sites like this.
I promise to keep Starport Plaza as dynamic as possible and to continue creating cool things that our community will love!